Report of the

High Data-Rate Macromolecular Crystallography Meeting

ECM-32, Vienna, Austria 21 July 2019

Report Date: 20 August 2019

A group of 16 participants met for an informal High Data Rate Macromolecular Crystallography (HDRMX) Meeting at Zum Leupold in Vienna, Austria at 7:30 pm on 20 August 2019, as a special meeting during the 32'nd European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM 2019.



This meeting was a follow-on to the informal HDRMX dinner meeting at 8 pm on 21 July 2019 during the ACA meeting in Covington, Kentucky


There was general agreement on the part of the Vienna meeting participants with the conclusion of the Covington meeting participants of the need to adopt the proposed gold standard for metadata so that MX datasets produced at one facility can be processed at other facilities, using the metadata provided with the images instead of needing to make side requests for additional information. There was detailed discussion of the need to make the inclusion of pixel masks for module gaps and bad pixels mandatory, but a recognition of the fact that "mandatory" could only realistically refer to a good faith best effort, since pixels can go bad at any time without the knowledge of the beamline or users. The minimum expected would be an accurate report of the module gaps in the metadata.

There was additional discussion of the possible need to refactor MX beamline pipelines and supporting hardware to prepare for the advent of significantly higher data rates, as suggested recently by G. Winter of DLS and H. J. Bernstein. Meeting participants may need additional time to consider their thoughts on this challenging subject and should contact H. J. Bernstein if they wish to participate in an HDRMX subgroup on the topic.